As the founder of my solo practice, the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant ( and the creator of a blog, for solo and small firm lawyers, I'm often asked by my fellow solos, "What are blogs?" and more importantly, "What can they do for me and my practice?" So, that's the topic of my presentation for this Maryland State Bar Association Solo Day Conference. Presenting with me is Jerry Lawson, a pre-eminent authority and visionary thinker on how lawyers can use the Internet - you can read more about his impressive credentials here at his Jerry and I also both blog at his collaborative weblog, which promotes the use of technology, especially the Internet, to improve the delivery of legal services to Americans of moderate to low income.
By the way, in case you had not noticed, the substance of this presentation takes the form of a web log, developed with Type Pad , one of the many extremely user-friendly software packages available for blogging that we'll discuss later on. Although I use Slashcode for the site and Blogger for my law firm web log on offshore renewables, I took up Type Pad for the purpose of this presentation, so that I could demonstrate how easy it is to get started (and it is).
One last point before we move onto the presentation. Did you notice how much information I've managed to convey in my opening paragraph without breaking the flow of my writing, simply by using hypertext links? For example, if you ever have a need, after the presentation, to locate either Jerry or me, you could do that simply by going no further than clicking on the link to our name. That's just one additional nifty advantage of the web log format.